Not since Lost have I been so excited about unpacking a show. Sure, I had some theories about Game of Thrones and got caught up in the mysteries of The Man in the High Castle, but WandaVision is making me as giddy as a kid on Christmas day. So, allow me to nerd out, theorize, and ask some questions about this humdinger of a show. (Spoiler alerts, obviously) Questions What is Westview? Is it a figment of someone's imagination? Is it vision made in a Holodeck-type place? Is it a Truman Show -style place created for a specific purpose? When does this take place? After the events of Endgame when Thanos has been defeated? In between Infinity War and Endgame , after Vision is killed & Wanda is blipped/dusted? Is this where Wanda went when she blipped? Who is Geraldine? An agent? A fellow superhuman? Is she "in" on whatever is going on? Remember, she doesn't know why she's there. That's what she tells Wanda when they first meet. Then, of course, there's...
What fills the eye, fills the heart